AI – What Does it Mean to You?

Artificial intelligence is a rather broad term that means different things to different people.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

To some in the engineering world, it is a rather unspecific way to refer to CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks), to others it may mean something a bit more, AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). And to others it may mean something like ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence). CNN is what we generally think of as AI, predicting results based on prior data. In other words- a programmer helps the device to understand a repeated pattern. That’s what is meant by “training”. The camera world is similar; AI can “paint” a picture of the target image and adjust the view automatically to keep the participant(s) centered in the view.

This kind of AI lives alongside us every day. Predictive text is one example, all the way up to the autonomous vehicles that are on the roads. Even our NavigatorAI had to be programmed to enable it’s framing function. We are just starting to access the data that informs our products.

AGI - Artificial general intelligence
Artificial general intelligence

AGI is equivalent to the human intelligence, once we succeed at building an AGI device, there will be a different class of product- a device that may not be self-aware, but it is going to develop and train itself. I think the key challenge for us will be on how to build the education of this device so that we attain desired results. Maybe a bit scary….

Not nearly as scary as ASI! We have all seen the movies, heard the warnings, and are looking for the John Conner to be our rescuer once we create the “Singularity”. I don’t think it will go quite like that, but more along the path of a “Data” from Star Trek. It will happen, and we really do not know what will happen at that point. We certainly have a long way to go before we get there – but if history is our guide, ASI will someday be everyday presence.

ASI - Artificial Super Intelligence
ASI – Artificial Super Intelligence

As we at VDO360 continue to search out new products, explore new applications, and boldly go where no other camera companies have gone before- you can be sure of one thing, we will not be working towards ASI! Our goal is to develop the building blocks necessary for widespread adoption of everyday applications; immersive instruction, AI-aided surgeries, reduced development cycles through collaboration, etc.

Stay tuned as we look into these different types of products and applications, There will be some very interesting things coming in the months ahead.

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